Create better interviews with templates and our new AI builder
We’re making it easier for anyone to create great surveys and interview scripts. Start with a template and customize it or have our AI builder create one from scratch.
Today, we’re releasing a major update to Versive’s project creation experience. Our goal is to make it easier for product managers, designers, marketers, and researchers alike to conduct high-quality research. We think this launch is a big step in that direction.
What problem are we solving?
We’ve heard from many companies that they want to scale research by empowering non-researchers to answer their own questions. One challenge we’ve repeatedly heard is that it’s difficult and intimidating for non-researchers to create effective surveys and interview guides.
Product, design, and marketing teams don’t always have the time or expertise to design thoughtful studies. Research teams are inundated with requests and don’t have the bandwidth to take on every question that a product manager throws at them.
How Versive helps
We’re introducing two new features to make it easier for anyone to create and launch an interview in minutes. We hope this lowers the barriers to collecting customer insights for all teams.
- Templates: You can now create projects from templates. We’ve designed templates for common use cases across product, customer, and market research. You can use these as a starting point or instantly customize them with AI.
- Improved AI creation and editing: We’ve made some big improvements to our AI script-builder. We’re introducing Pro Mode, which allows you to generate a script using our most powerful models. We’ve also improved the quality of generated questions across the board.
What else?
In addition to templates and AI creation, we’ve also launched a couple of additional features that we’re excited about:
- Support for Figma prototypes: Add clickable prototypes by simply pasting in your Figma share link. These prototypes can persist across questions, or you can automatically redirect the user to a specific page in the prototype.
- Improved publishing: We’ve added an explicit publish button to our projects. We’ll warn you if you leave the page with unsaved changes or try to publish to a project that already has live responses. This means you’ll also be able to preview and approve all AI changes before they're saved.
What’s next?
As of today, these features are available to all users in the Verisve app. We’re excited to see what you create! We’ll continue to add additional templates to our app. If you have any requests, email us at [email protected].

Eric Li, Co-Founder, Versive
February 6, 2024